In a world filled with emotionally wrecking, tenderly exquisite movies, “We Live in Time” stands out for a unique reason – a viral horse meme. The film, directed by John Crowley and starring Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield, premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and captured the essence of life in raw, elemental passages.
Pugh and Garfield deliver extraordinarily lived-in performances as a couple whose journey together unfolds in a non-linear, poignant manner encompassing love, loss, and everything in between. However, it was a seemingly innocuous image of a carousel horse that captured the internet’s attention, spawning countless memes and even catching the eye of late-night host Stephen Colbert.
In a recent interview, Pugh and Garfield playfully debated the presence of the horse in the film, with Pugh expressing relief that the meme did not overshadow a pivotal moment in the movie. Despite the unexpected meme frenzy, both actors appreciated the humor and creativity it brought to the film’s reception.
The viral horse meme may have stolen the spotlight temporarily, but the heart and soul of “We Live in Time” remain intact, ready to enchant audiences when the film hits theaters on Oct. 11. An unforgettable cinematic experience awaits, horse meme or not.
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