You wouldn’t understand: it’s a Black thing

Huston Recent Editorial Team
2 Min Read

Understanding Code-Switching: Kamala Harris and the Art of Adaptability

On Labor Day, Vice President Kamala Harris addressed a union audience in Detroit with ease and authenticity that resonated with Black Americans. White conservatives, however, seized the moment to criticize her for “putting on an accent,” completely missing the concept of code-switching that is ingrained in the Black community.

Code-switching is the ability to switch between languages, dialects, and mannerisms depending on the audience, and for Black Americans, it’s a survival skill honed over centuries to navigate different environments. Kamala Harris, like many Black women, effortlessly adapts her speech to connect with various groups without compromising her identity.

What is Code-Switching, really?

Code-switching is an extension of W.E.B. Du Bois’ concept of “double consciousness,” where Black Americans navigate two identities simultaneously – being Black and being American. It allows Black people to blend in, avoid stereotypes, and be fully understood in different spaces.

Kamala is doing what Black women do every day

Kamala Harris excels in seamlessly transitioning between her authentic self with Black audiences and her polished professional self in white-dominated spaces. Black women, like Kamala, are adept at balancing various aspects of their identity to navigate different environments without losing their true selves.

The performance of public speech

Public speaking is a performance art, where speakers adjust their tone and language for different audiences. Criticizing Kamala Harris for code-switching reflects the unfair standards imposed on Black women, forcing them to conform to narrow definitions of authenticity.

Code-switching is survival, not deception

Kamala’s diverse background and experiences inform her communication style, allowing her to connect with various groups authentically. Code-switching is not about deception but survival in a society that often marginalizes Black voices.

In conclusion, Kamala Harris showcases the vastness and brilliance of Black culture through her adaptability and authenticity. The criticism she faces only underscores the need to embrace the multifaceted nature of Black identity.


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