In the late hours of the night, Suki Waterhouse stumbled upon an intriguing creature known as the Sparklemuffin spider. Enamored by its vibrant colors and adorable dance moves, Waterhouse found a connection with this tiny arachnid. This discovery became the inspiration behind her latest album, “Memoir of a Sparklemuffin,” set to be released this Friday.
The album marks a significant milestone for the British singer-songwriter, following her debut in 2022 with “I Can’t Let Go” and her role as Karen Sirko in the Amazon Prime series, “Daisy Jones and the Six.” Waterhouse’s musical journey reflects her experiences in the industry, from starting out as a teenage model to now being a seasoned artist. Interestingly, she completed the album just before welcoming her six-month-old daughter with partner Robert Pattinson.
Waterhouse recently made appearances at the Michael Kors fashion show and the MTV Video Music Awards to celebrate the album’s upcoming release. In a candid conversation with The Associated Press, she shared insights into the making of the album while pregnant and how portraying Karen Sirko encouraged her to fully embrace her music career.
During her pregnancy, Waterhouse found solace in creating music from the comfort of her home, surrounded by talented collaborators. The physical limitations imposed by her pregnancy led to a focused and productive creative process for the album. One standout track, “Model, Actress, Whatever,” serves as a playful yet empowering statement about reclaiming labels often associated with her career.
Waterhouse credits her role as Karen Sirko for inspiring her to pursue her musical aspirations wholeheartedly. Playing a confident and driven character in the band-centric series reignited her passion for music and encouraged her to take the leap into producing her album. She admits that Karen’s influence still lingers in her artistic journey and motivates her to stay true to her musical vision.
The live responses to Waterhouse’s performances since her debut album and “Daisy Jones” have significantly impacted her creative direction. Witnessing the reactions of her audiences has inspired her to explore a more diverse and upbeat sound for her upcoming tour. She looks forward to sharing her new songs with fans and creating an unforgettable live experience.
As Waterhouse prepares for her tour, she anticipates the thrill of performing new tracks that showcase her growth as an artist. The evolution of her sound and stage presence promises an exciting chapter in her music career, as she embarks on this musical journey with renewed confidence and enthusiasm. Be sure to catch Suki Waterhouse live on tour to experience the magic of “Memoir of a Sparklemuffin” firsthand!