Harris gains momentum as Trump’s campaign falters

Huston Recent Editorial Team
3 Min Read

“Black Vote, Black Power,” a collaboration between Keith Boykin and Word In Black, examines the issues, the candidates, and what’s at stake for Black America in the 2024 presidential election.

Donald Trump is losing it.

Today in New Jersey, Trump tricked reporters into covering a “press conference” that turned out to be a lengthy speech to his supporters at his golf course. Low-energy Trump read from a thick binder that included a string of outrageous lies, including the ridiculous claim that more than 100% of new jobs created in the U.S. are going to migrants.

More than 100%!

After telling 162 lies at his disastrous press conference last week at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s advisers decided to keep him carefully scripted this time, but eventually Trump got bored with his own speech and started going off script to appease his fans. It went on for nearly an hour before he finally took a few softball questions. Will he stop the personal insults against Harris? No. “I think I’m entitled to personal attacks,” Trump said.

RELATED: 10 Big Lies Trump and the Republicans Tell About Kamala Harris

There is no reboot with Trump. It didn’t happen after the assassination attempt. It didn’t happen after the convention. And it’s not going to happen now. How many times is the media going to fall for this? It’s like Lucy pulling the football from Charlie Brown again and again and again.

Trump hasn’t changed his tone, adjusted his campaign strategy, or figured out what to do to beat Kamala Harris. He’s tried attacking Harris on her race, her laugh, and even mispronouncing her name, but nothing seems to stick.

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