Exploring Black community’s role in voting and politics

Huston Recent Editorial Team
3 Min Read

The Importance of Voting: A Reflection on the November 2024 Election

The Defender Network’s Community Channel recently hosted a thought-provoking Zoom call discussion focusing on voting, the upcoming November 2024 election, and the current state of politics. The aim was to understand the key issues that are crucial to the Black community, explore potential solutions, delve into thoughts on voting, evaluate the state of political and civil education, and much more.

Here are some compelling excerpts from the conversation highlighting why voting is crucial for the Black community.


During the discussion about policing, Sharon Daye expressed her frustration, stating, “These racist cops go too far, it’s unbelievable. Sonya Massey called the police for help and ended up shot in the face. It’s outrageous.”

Amir Taylor added, “And then there’s Trump…”

“He’s definitely not ‘my boy,’” retorted Daye.

“Exactly. Trump’s stance on police immunity is alarming. Allowing cops to act with impunity is a dangerous precedent,” Taylor emphasized.

Felipe Stoneman chimed in, “Qualified immunity shields police from accountability, giving them free rein to abuse their power further.”

The call attendees unanimously opposed the Trump/GOP policy on police immunity, emphasizing the urgent need for accountability.


When the conversation shifted to criminalizing protesters, Joy Fields passionately stated, “The right to protest is fundamental to democracy. Without it, we risk regressing into authoritarianism.”

Henry Hickson raised concerns about the nature of protests, to which Fields responded, “Criminalizing protests centralizes power in the hands of the government, stripping citizens of their voice.”

Participants on the call unanimously denounced Trump’s proposal to use militarized police on protesters, underscoring the need to protect the right to protest.


The discussion on women’s reproductive rights struck a chord with the participants, with all but one agreeing that this issue alone warranted voting. Daphne Aldridge articulated, “The implications of restricting reproductive freedoms, as depicted in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ are alarming. We must take action through voting.”

If you are interested in joining future Defender Community Channel Zoom call discussions on the November 2024 election, email your contact information to aswad@defendernetwork.com with the subject line “ELECTION 2024 ZOOM MEETING.”


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