
Feed Houston Students in Backpack Buddy Program

Help Feed Children in Need Around Houston Food insecurity means often having to make tough decisions. We want to make those decisions easier! One in

In This Issues

CenterPoint proposes $5B investment to enhance power grid

The Greater Houston Resiliency Initiative: Building a Stronger Electric Grid When it comes to facing the challenges of extreme weather,

Juan Merlos last spotted in Montgomery County, TX

Have you seen Juan Merlos? The 36-year-old Marine, who resides in Cut and Shoot, has been missing since August 20th.

Unanswered queries linger one week after Texas bars transgender individuals from altering sex on licenses

The Impact of Texas’ New Driver License Policy on the Transgender Community It has been a tumultuous week for the

Judge steps down from Arlene Alvarez case

Surprising Developments in Arlene Alvarez Murder Case State prosecutors and defense attorneys for Tony Earls, the man charged in 9-year-old