Houston Shell to sell pipeline, terminal system near Ship Channel to local firm

Huston Recent Editorial Team
1 Min Read

Have you heard the news? Shell recently made a big move by selling its equity in the Deer Park Refinery to Pemex. This decision has caused Shell to shift its focus and no longer see the adjacent pipeline and terminal assets as strategic.

While this move may come as a surprise to some, it’s all part of Shell’s evolving business strategy. By selling off these assets, Shell can now reallocate resources and focus on other areas that they believe will bring them greater success in the future.

It’s exciting to see such big changes happening in the world of oil and gas. Who knows what other surprises the industry has in store for us? Keep an eye on Shell as they continue to make moves that will shape the future of the industry.

Houston Shell to sell pipeline, terminal system near Ship Channel to local firm

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