Harris Co. man solicited underage girls online for sex, Pct. 3 confirms

Huston Recent Editorial Team
2 Min Read

A shocking incident unfolded in The Woodlands, Texas, as Montgomery County investigators arrested 35-year-old Hernan Duarte for preying on minors online. Duarte, who is facing charges of sexual assault of a child and indecency with a child, allegedly convinced at least three juvenile females to meet him for sex.

Undercover detectives from Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constable Ryan Gable’s office orchestrated the arrest after Duarte’s disturbing online activities came to light. It is suspected that there may be more victims involved in this case.

Duarte’s modus operandi involved contacting underage girls on social media apps and coercing them into meeting him for illicit purposes. All of the victims, who were under the age of 15, hailed from The Woodlands and other cities in the Houston area.

Precinct 3 detectives posed as a victim online to apprehend Duarte at a park in The Woodlands, where he was promptly taken into custody. Anyone with information on Duarte or who may have been a victim of his exploitation is urged to contact the constable’s office at 281-364-4211 or email constable3tips@mctx.org.

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