Climate Power Launches Black Engagement Program

Huston Recent Editorial Team
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Climate Power Launches Black Engagement Program to Address Climate Change Impact on Black Communities

Climate Power, a strategic communications organization dedicated to winning the politics of climate, has announced the launch of its Black Engagement Program. This program aims to advance conversations about the disproportionate impacts of climate change on Black communities across the nation.

One of the primary goals of the campaign is to educate Black voters about the significant differences between Vice President Kamala Harris’ historic climate record, which holds Big Oil accountable, and Trump’s pro-polluter Big Oil agenda.

Over the past four years, Climate Power has led efforts to shape the climate narrative, protect climate progress, and build political support for increased climate action. This work has involved reaching out to key groups, such as Black and Latino voters, through research, polling, earned, and paid media campaigns.

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With an investment exceeding $10 million, Climate Power’s Black Engagement Program is running a culturally competent and impactful earned and paid media political communications campaign. The primary objective is to ensure that climate change and clean energy issues become crucial factors for Black voters in the upcoming November elections.

Markeya Thomas, Climate Power’s senior advisor for Black Engagement, emphasized the importance of addressing climate change’s broad implications for the Black community. She highlighted Vice President Kamala Harris’ track record of promoting climate progress and holding Big Oil accountable as vital in the fight against climate change.

Another four years of Trump would be a disaster for our climate, especially for communities like ours.

Markeya Thomas

Dr. Jawanza Clark, an advocate for incorporating ancient perspectives and wisdom of Black/African and Indigenous people into environmental justice efforts, stressed the urgent need for action in the face of racial injustice and the ecological crisis.

Climate Power’s efforts align with the growing concern among Black voters about climate change and clean energy issues. Recent data reveals that 62% of Black voters in battleground states consider these issues significant when choosing the next president.

While amplifying the voices of Black individuals on climate change remains a challenge, Climate Power remains committed to its mission. The organization also recognizes the crucial role of leaders like environmental justice reporter Maya Richard-Craven in advocating for climate justice.

In addition to the Black Engagement Program, Climate Power launched Climate Power En Acción in 2023, a campaign tailored to Latinos. These initiatives underscore Climate Power’s unwavering dedication to building public support for robust climate policies and holding climate deniers accountable.

For more information on Vice President Harris’ climate record, visit here.


Our pledge is to elevate solutions, share successes, and amplify the experiences of Black people. We cannot do it alone.


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