Houston doctors test using patients’ fat for joint pain treatment

Huston Recent Editorial Team
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Using Fat to Heal: Lipogems Procedure for Joint Pain

“If they can use their own fat, they love being able to use something they have a lot of to be able to heal themselves,” said Dr. Cristin Mathew, an orthopedic medicine and sports medicine specialist in Houston.

A groundbreaking study is currently underway in Houston, testing a procedure that utilizes fat to alleviate joint pain in patients. The Lipogems procedure involves extracting fat via liposuction and injecting it directly into the affected joint, offering a potential solution for those suffering from chronic pain.

Kim Humlicek, a patient who underwent the Lipogems procedure, expressed her joy at being able to walk comfortably in heels again after years of arthritis pain. The procedure has provided significant relief, with noticeable improvements in a short period.

Dr. Mathew demonstrated the Lipogems procedure at his office, emphasizing the simplicity and effectiveness of the treatment. The process involves collecting fat from the patient’s belly, washing it, and then injecting it into the targeted area.

While Lipogems is already FDA approved, its availability is limited due to lack of insurance coverage. However, ongoing research aims to expand its accessibility. Patients interested in participating in the study can contact All American Orthopedics and Sports Medicine for more information.

Aside from its therapeutic benefits, the Lipogems procedure offers a quick and convenient solution, with the entire process taking less than an hour. Although not a permanent fix, it serves as a viable alternative for individuals seeking to avoid surgery.

For those intrigued by the study or interested in exploring Lipogems commercially, reach out to All American Orthopedics and Sports Medicine or Next Stage Clinical Research. Take the first step towards pain relief and improved mobility today.

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