The Importance of Vaccinating Horses Against Mosquito-Borne Illnesses
Recently, Texas reported its first cases of eastern equine encephalitis, a dangerous mosquito-borne illness, in two horses in Houston County. This discovery serves as a stark reminder of the importance of protecting our equine companions from these potentially deadly diseases.
The Texas Animal Health Commission is urging veterinarians and horse owners to consider vaccinating their horses against mosquito-borne illnesses such as eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), western equine encephalitis (WEE), Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE), and West Nile Virus. These diseases can cause severe brain inflammation in horses, with unvaccinated animals being particularly vulnerable.
For more information on general disease prevention and protection strategies for equine species, visit the TAHC website.
Clinical signs of infection include fever, depression, behavior changes, impaired vision, muscle twitches, and paralysis. Owners and producers who suspect their horses may be infected should contact their veterinarian for evaluation. Any confirmed or suspected cases must be reported to the TAHC at 1-800-550-8242.
While humans are only susceptible to these illnesses when bitten by an infected mosquito, the risk of direct transmission between horses or from horses to humans is minimal. Vaccination is highly effective in preventing clinical disease in horses, making it a crucial step in safeguarding their health.
Don’t take any chances when it comes to the well-being of your equine companions. Consult with your veterinarian today about the benefits of vaccinating your horses against mosquito-borne illnesses.